An invitation for ancestral reconnection

As stewards of the land, it is both our mission and vision to empower others through access to herbal education, tools and discovering their own ancestral connection. Our intention is to create a container of exploration and belonging.

This course is for you if you have been curious about the mysteries of Italian folk tradition. If you are a wanderer and have been searching for your ancestral roots. If you have been eager to know the magic behind your lineage. If you are ready to connect to something more- something ancient and magical.

What You Will Learn

Lesson 1: What is Italian Folk Magic?

Lesson 2: Building an Altar in Your Home

Lesson 3: Italian Folk Herbalism & Connecting with Plant Ancestors

Lesson 4: The Malocchio & Protection Magic

Lesson 5: Exploring Saint Magic in the Italian Folk Magic Tradition

Lesson 6: Embracing Divine Duality with Mary and Medusa

What You Will Receive

A comprehensive PDF guide to go back to at any time (a grimoire, if you will), 6+ video lessons, access to us for any questions or support

Meet Your Teacher

Jenna Faccenda is an Italian American folk herbalist, witch and writer. When she isn’t tending to her son, puppy, or cats, she is working with her herbal ancestors through the Sacred Path Collective and Widow Apothecary.

Her teachings and practices come from her findings through her southern Italian roots of Sicily and Campania, her teachers on the plant path (Kimberly Geisler, Janet Kent, Dave Meesters, and Jen Stovall), and her former life as a book publicist. 

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Registration is Open!

This is a self-paced online course. Students will never loose access to the material.